About the Business
The Business
High Vibe Jewelry was founded in January 2022 by Grace Leverich and released its first collection with just 3 ring designs!
From there, the company has flourished and expanded its horizons to offer various types of unique accessories. In addition to a year-round online storefront, High Vibe Jewelry attends seasonal markets and events and offers select inventory at Moon Stones Rock Shop in Bloomington, Indiana.
High Vibe Jewelry's first-ever product photo! These three ring designs launched High Vibe Jewelry. Grace chose these three rocks to start because of how well the colors and metaphysical properties complement each other.
Calm & collected. Black wire was chosen to add contrast within the product, but was eventually switched to a gold wire-wrap instead.
Nicknamed "The Love Stone," rose quartz promotes universal love, (self love & unconditional love) and was Grace's first crystal ever. Kayla gifted Grace a rose quartz necklace in 2020 that truly inspired everything you see here!
High Vibe Jewelry's first-ever product photo! These three ring designs launched High Vibe Jewelry. Grace chose these three rocks to start because of how well the colors and metaphysical properties complement each other.
About Me
Hello! I’m Grace, a passionate 22-year-old eager to place my sole focus on High Vibe Jewelry. I started making jewelry in late 2021 as a way to relax after college courses. I quickly discovered how fulfilling and therapeutic the hobby is, which led me to create every day. As my friends began to purchase rings, I gained confidence in the craft! Consequently, I prioritized any free time I had into developing what eventually became High Vibe Jewelry. I waitressed for startup expenses, contemplated different brand names, brainstormed potential product lines, and built a website with no previous experience in the industry.
In early 2022, High Vibe Jewelry became official and I applied for my first trade event, ‘A Fair of the Arts,’ in Bloomington, Indiana. My sister and lifelong best friend, Kayla, assisted with the show and my heart knew this is my destiny. With the help of amazing family and unconditionally supportive friends, High Vibe Jewelry held five pop-up shops in 2022, which led to eleven more the next year. My favorite part about High Vibe Jewelry is connecting with positive, forward-thinking people at trade events. Each show proves to be energizing, inspiring, uplifting, and grounding all at once.
I was blessed to receive my degree in three years (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and concentration in public relations) and plan to continue growing and developing High Vibe Jewelry until it’s my full-time career. In the coming months, I plan to introduce new collaborations and additional art forms, and attend local trade shows. Thank you for taking the time to read about my roots!